Winter Bowling (Wednesdays) @ Sawmill Lanes

Split Personalities vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 10
DJMD vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 11
Bowl-barians vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 12
The GT Rollers vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 13
Splits and Giggles vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 14
Split Happens vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 15
Spare Us vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 16
Queen Pins vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 17
The Mis-Splits vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 18
That's How We Roll vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 19
X-Team vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 20
Rolling Armadillos vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 21
Fleet Foxes vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 22
Hungry Bears vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 23
Crafty Cats vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 24
Bowl Movements 2.0 vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 5
Gutter Ball All Stars vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 6
Pins and Juice vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 7
Flying Bunnies vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 8
Who gives a split? vs. 6:15 PMFebruary 7th, 2024Lane 9

Team Captains

Bowl Movements 2.0N/ATabetha B.
Gutter Ball All StarsN/ABrenton T.
Pins and JuiceN/AAlana D.
Flying BunniesN/ADr. Christopher B.
Who gives a split?N/AMaggie T.
Split PersonalitiesN/AGabriel S.
Bowl-bariansN/AJessica S.
The GT RollersN/ALisha P.
Splits and GigglesN/ALinda M.
Split HappensN/AEric S.
Spare UsN/AVicky P.
Queen PinsN/AAnne S.
The Mis-SplitsN/ARobin B.
That's How We RollN/ARenee H.
X-TeamN/AShauntel H.
Rolling ArmadillosN/AAndrew J.
Fleet FoxesN/Abonita b.
Hungry BearsN/ADevon G.
Crafty CatsN/ARhonda T.